Optimal Rate-Matrix Pruning For Heterogeneous Systems


Zhao Zhisheng1,Mukherjee Debankur1


1. Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA


We consider large-scale load balancing systems where processing time distribution of tasks depend on both task and server types. We analyze the system in the asymptotic regime where both the number of task and server types tend proportionally to infinity. In such heterogeneous setting, popular policies like Join Fastest Idle Queue (JFIQ), Join Fastest Shortest Queue (JFSQ) are known to perform poorly and they even shrink the stability region. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, in this setup, finding a scalable policy with provable performance guarantee has been an open question prior to this work. In this paper, we propose and analyze two asymptotically delay-optimal dynamic load balancing policies: (a) one that efficiently reserves the processing capacity of each server for "good" tasks and route tasks under the Join Idle Queue policy; and (b) a speed-priority policy that increases the probability of servers processing tasks at a high speed. Leveraging a framework inspired by the graphon literature and using the mean-field method and stochastic coupling arguments, we prove that both policies above achieve asymptotic zero queueing, whereby the probability that a typical task is assigned to an idle server tends to 1 as the system scales.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Software

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