1. Around the (Virtual) World
2. L. Baker , J. Ventura , S. Zollmann , S. Mills , and T. Langlotz . 2020 . SPLAT: Spherical Localization and Tracking in Large Spaces. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 809–817 . https://doi.org/10.1109/VR46266. 2020 .00105 L. Baker, J. Ventura, S. Zollmann, S. Mills, and T. Langlotz. 2020. SPLAT: Spherical Localization and Tracking in Large Spaces. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). 809–817. https://doi.org/10.1109/VR46266.2020.00105
3. Florian Borsum , Max Pascher , Jonas Auda , Stefan Schneegass , Gregor Lux , and Jens Gerken . 2021. Stay on Course in VR: Comparing the Precision of Movement betweenGamepad, Armswinger, and Treadmill . In Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband (2021-09-05) . Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.https://doi.org/10.1145/3473856.3473880 Florian Borsum, Max Pascher, Jonas Auda, Stefan Schneegass, Gregor Lux, and Jens Gerken. 2021. Stay on Course in VR: Comparing the Precision of Movement betweenGamepad, Armswinger, and Treadmill. In Mensch und Computer 2021 - Tagungsband (2021-09-05). Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.https://doi.org/10.1145/3473856.3473880
4. Visualizing locations of off-screen objects on mobile devices
5. Mission Impossible Spaces: Using Challenge-Based Distractors to Reduce Noticeability of Self-Overlapping Virtual Architecture