1. An optimizing compiler for lexically scoped LISP
2. Rodney A. Brooks D.B.Posner j.L.McDonald and J.L. White. Design of An Optimizing Dynamic~ly R ctaxgetable Compiler for Common Lisp Proceedzng.s of the 1986 A CM Con feren ce on LiSP and Fu~l c. ttonal Programming pp.67-85 1986]] 10.1145/319838.319851 Rodney A. Brooks D.B.Posner j.L.McDonald and J.L. White. Design of An Optimizing Dynamic~ly R ctaxgetable Compiler for Common Lisp Proceedzng.s of the 1986 A CM Con feren ce on LiSP and Fu~l c. ttonal Programming pp.67-85 1986]] 10.1145/319838.319851
3. Scott E. Fahlmasl ~n~t David B. Mc- Donald. Design Considerations for CMU Common Lisp~ Topics in Adt anc~d Language Implementation pp.137-156 MIT Press 1991]] Scott E. Fahlmasl ~n~t David B. Mc- Donald. Design Considerations for CMU Common Lisp~ Topics in Adt anc~d Language Implementation pp.137-156 MIT Press 1991]]
4. Richard P. Gabriel. "Peformalice and Eval. uation of Lisp Systems." MIT Press 1985]] Richard P. Gabriel. "Peformalice and Eval. uation of Lisp Systems." MIT Press 1985]]
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