1. Design and Deployment of an IoT Application-Oriented Testbed
2. Cryptanalysis of a White Box AES Implementation
3. Biryukov A. Bouillaguet C. and Khovratovich D. 2014. Cryptographic schemes based on the asasa structure: black-box white-box and public-key In Proceedings of the Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2014 2014/01/01 2014 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 63--84. Biryukov A. Bouillaguet C. and Khovratovich D. 2014. Cryptographic schemes based on the asasa structure: black-box white-box and public-key In Proceedings of the Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2014 2014/01/01 2014 Springer Berlin Heidelberg 63--84.
4. Biryukov A. and Khovratovich D. 2015. Decomposition attack on sasasasas. Biryukov A. and Khovratovich D. 2015. Decomposition attack on sasasasas.