1. "NIST Role-Based Access Controls"; available at http://csrc.nist.gov/rbac/ferraiolo-kuhn-92.pdf. "NIST Role-Based Access Controls"; available at http://csrc.nist.gov/rbac/ferraiolo-kuhn-92.pdf.
2. "Modbus"; available at http://www.modbus.org/. "Modbus"; available at http://www.modbus.org/.
3. "ViaSat" Critical Infrastructure Protection; available at https://www.viasat.com/services/critical-infrastructure-protection 2015. "ViaSat" Critical Infrastructure Protection; available at https://www.viasat.com/services/critical-infrastructure-protection 2015.
4. "OSIsoft" Real-Time Intelligence; available at https://www.osisoft.com/ 2015. "OSIsoft" Real-Time Intelligence; available at https://www.osisoft.com/ 2015.
5. A trusted safety verifier for process controller code author=McLaughlin Stephen and Zonouz Saman and Pohly Devin and McDaniel Patrick booktitle=NDSS year=2014. A trusted safety verifier for process controller code author=McLaughlin Stephen and Zonouz Saman and Pohly Devin and McDaniel Patrick booktitle=NDSS year=2014.