1. Solving math word problems concerning systems of equations with GPT models
2. K. Cobbe , H. Jun, Training verifiers to solve math word problems , OpenAI , Manuscript , 2021 . K. Cobbe, H. Jun, Training verifiers to solve math word problems, OpenAI, Manuscript, 2021.
3. Z. Liang , J. Zhang , J. Shao , and X. Zhang . MWP-BERT: A strong baseline for math word problems, 07 2021 , Manuscript . Z. Liang, J. Zhang, J. Shao, and X. Zhang. MWP-BERT: A strong baseline for math word problems, 07 2021, Manuscript.
4. The Gap of Semantic Parsing: A Survey on Automatic Math Word Problem Solvers
5. A review of methods for automatic understanding of natural language mathematical problems