To Plan or Not to Plan? A Mixed-Methods Diary Study Examining When, How and Why Knowledge Work Planning is Inaccurate


Ahmetoglu Yoana1,Brumby Duncan P.1,Cox Anna L.1


1. University College London, London, United Kingdom


Reliable and accurate planning is essential for modern knowledge workers. However, there is limited insight about when, how and why planning is inaccurate, and the circumstances in which those inaccuracies are troublesome. To investigate this, we asked 20 academics to keep a diary for a single work day. They estimated the duration of the tasks they wanted to achieve at the start of the day and noted down in detail the tasks they actually achieved during the day. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to complement this diary data. The diaries showed that some tasks, such as email and coding, were more susceptible to time underestimation bias while other tasks, such as writing and planning, were more susceptible to time overestimation bias in planning. Based on interviews, a typology of common reasons for delays in planned daily work is presented. It suggests that vague and optimistic planning leads to the observed discrepancy between planned and actual work. Finally, interviews suggested that participants adopted four planning strategies that vary in the frequency of planning, from minimal planning to daily, weekly and multi-level planning. We close by discussing ways support systems for accurate planning can be better designed for different use cases.


UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Human-Computer Interaction,Social Sciences (miscellaneous)

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2. Adding Domain-Specific Features to a Text-Editor to Support Diverse, Real-World Approaches to Time Management Planning;Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems;2023-04-19

3. To Do or Not To Do? Managing Intentions with Technology;Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems;2023-04-19

4. A field experiment on the effects of weekly planning behaviour on work engagement, unfinished tasks, rumination, and cognitive flexibility;Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology;2023-02-17

5. TaskScape: Fostering Holistic View on To-do List With Tracking Plan and Emotion;The Adjunct Publication of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology;2022-10-28







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