1. 2018. Chrome APIs - Google Chrome. https://developer.chrome.com/ extensions/api_index 2018. Chrome APIs - Google Chrome. https://developer.chrome.com/ extensions/api_index
2. 2018. Cold Turkey Blocker. http://getcoldturkey.com/ 2018. Cold Turkey Blocker. http://getcoldturkey.com/
3. 2018. FocusMe. https://focusme.com/ 2018. FocusMe. https://focusme.com/
4. 2018. Freedom. https://freedom.to/ 2018. Freedom. https://freedom.to/
5. 2018. Moment--Automatically track your and your family's daily iPhone and iPad use. https://inthemoment.io 2018. Moment--Automatically track your and your family's daily iPhone and iPad use. https://inthemoment.io