1. Accentism Project. 2018. Accentism Project. https://accentism.org/ Accentism Project. 2018. Accentism Project. https://accentism.org/
2. Adapt Centre. 2018. ADAPT Associate Professor Sole Irish Recipient of the Google Faculty Research Award. https://www.adaptcentre.ie/news/ adapt-associate-professor-sole-irish-recipient-of-the-google-faculty-resear Adapt Centre. 2018. ADAPT Associate Professor Sole Irish Recipient of the Google Faculty Research Award. https://www.adaptcentre.ie/news/ adapt-associate-professor-sole-irish-recipient-of-the-google-faculty-resear
3. Amazon. 2018. Echo & Alexa Devices. https://www.amazon.co.uk/b? ie=UTF8&node=14100223031 Amazon. 2018. Echo & Alexa Devices. https://www.amazon.co.uk/b? ie=UTF8&node=14100223031
4. Apple. 2018. Siri. https://www.apple.com/siri/ Apple. 2018. Siri. https://www.apple.com/siri/
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