Principled Schedulability Analysis for Distributed Storage Systems Using Thread Architecture Models


Yang Suli1ORCID,Liu Jing1ORCID,Arpaci-Dusseau Andrea1ORCID,Arpaci-Dusseau Remzi1ORCID


1. University of Wisconsin-Madison


In this article, we present an approach to systematically examine the schedulability of distributed storage systems, identify their scheduling problems, and enable effective scheduling in these systems. We use Thread Architecture Models (TAMs) to describe the behavior and interactions of different threads in a system, and show both how to construct TAMs for existing systems and utilize TAMs to identify critical scheduling problems. We specify three schedulability conditions that a schedulable TAM should satisfy: completeness, local enforceability, and independence; meeting these conditions enables a system to easily support different scheduling policies. We identify five common problems that prevent a system from satisfying the schedulability conditions, and show that these problems arise in existing systems such as HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, and Riak, making it difficult or impossible to realize various scheduling disciplines. We demonstrate how to address these schedulability problems using both direct and indirect solutions, with different trade-offs. To show how to apply our approach to enable scheduling in realistic systems, we develop Tamed-HBase and Muzzled-HBase, sets of modifications to HBase that can realize the desired scheduling disciplines, including fairness and priority scheduling, even when presented with challenging workloads.





Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Hardware and Architecture

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