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2. Aho, RaviSethi, and J. Ullman . Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools. Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools / , 2002 . Aho, RaviSethi, and J. Ullman. Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools. Compilers, principles, techniques, and tools /, 2002.
3. Off-path round trip time measurement via TCP/IP side channels
4. Catch Me if You Can: A Closer Look at Malicious Co-Residency on the Cloud
5. Yue Cao Zhiyun Qian Zhongjie Wang Tuan Dao Srikanth V Krishnamurthy and Lisa M Marvel. Off-Path TCP Exploits: Global Rate Limit Considered Dangerous. page 17. Yue Cao Zhiyun Qian Zhongjie Wang Tuan Dao Srikanth V Krishnamurthy and Lisa M Marvel. Off-Path TCP Exploits: Global Rate Limit Considered Dangerous. page 17.