1. StoryPlace.Me
2. Frank Bentley Karen Church Beverly Harrison Kent Lyons Matthew Rafalow. 2015. Three Hours a Day: Understanding Current Teen Practices of Smartphone Application Use. arXiv. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1510/1510.05192.pdf Frank Bentley Karen Church Beverly Harrison Kent Lyons Matthew Rafalow. 2015. Three Hours a Day: Understanding Current Teen Practices of Smartphone Application Use. arXiv. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1510/1510.05192.pdf
3. Sara A. Bly Steve R. Harrison and Susan Irwin. 1993. Media spaces: bringing people together in a video audio and computing environment. Commun. ACM 36 1 (January 1993) 28--46. 10.1145/151233.151235 Sara A. Bly Steve R. Harrison and Susan Irwin. 1993. Media spaces: bringing people together in a video audio and computing environment. Commun. ACM 36 1 (January 1993) 28--46. 10.1145/151233.151235
4. Catherine E. Shoichet. 2016. Facebook Live video offers new perspective on police shootings. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/07/us/facebook-live-video-minnesota-police-shooting/ Accessed 2/7/17. Catherine E. Shoichet. 2016. Facebook Live video offers new perspective on police shootings. CNN. http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/07/us/facebook-live-video-minnesota-police-shooting/ Accessed 2/7/17.
5. Live-streaming mobile video