FIT-RAG: Black-Box RAG with Factual Information and Token Reduction


Mao Yuren1ORCID,Dong Xuemei1ORCID,Xu Wenyi1ORCID,Gao Yunjun1ORCID,Wei Bin1ORCID,Zhang Ying2ORCID


1. Zhejiang University, China

2. Zhejiang Gongshang University, China


Due to the extraordinarily large number of parameters, fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) to update long-tail or out-of-date knowledge is impractical in lots of applications. To avoid fine-tuning, we can alternatively treat a LLM as a black-box (i.e., freeze the parameters of the LLM) and augment it with a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system, namely black-box RAG. Recently, black-box RAG has achieved success in knowledge-intensive tasks and has gained much attention. Existing black-box RAG methods typically fine-tune the retriever to cater to LLMs’ preferences and concatenate all the retrieved documents as the input, which suffers from two issues: (1) Ignorance of Factual Information. The LLM preferred documents may not contain the factual information for the given question, which can mislead the retriever and hurt the effectiveness of black-box RAG; (2) Waste of Tokens. Simply concatenating all the retrieved documents brings large amounts of unnecessary tokens for LLMs, which degenerates the efficiency of black-box RAG. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel black-box RAG framework which utilizes the factual information in the retrieval and reduces the number of tokens for augmentation, dubbed FIT-RAG. FIT-RAG utilizes the factual information by constructing a bi-label document scorer which takes the factual information and LLMs’ preferences as labels respectively. Besides, it reduces the tokens by introducing a self-knowledge recognizer and a sub-document-level token reducer, which enables FIT-RAG to avoid unnecessary augmentation and reduce augmentation tokens as much as possible. FIT-RAG achieves both superior effectiveness and efficiency, which is validated by extensive experiments across three open-domain question-answering datasets: TriviaQA, NQ and PopQA. FIT-RAG can improve the answering accuracy of Llama2-13B-Chat by 14.3% on TriviaQA, 19.9% on NQ and 27.5% on PopQA, respectively. Furthermore, it can save approximately half of the tokens on average across the three datasets.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

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