1. 2022. Kex-reflection. Retrieved March 2 2022 from https://github.com/vorpal-research/kex/tree/sbst2022-reflection 2022. Kex-reflection. Retrieved March 2 2022 from https://github.com/vorpal-research/kex/tree/sbst2022-reflection
2. Kex at the 2021 SBST Tool Competition
3. Kex: A Platform For Analysis Of JVM Programs
4. Gambi Alessio , Jahangirova Gunel , Riccio Vincenzo , and Zampetti Fiorella . 2022 . SBST Tool Competition 2022 . In 15th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing, SBST 2022 , Pittsburgh, PA, USA , May 9, 2022. Gambi Alessio, Jahangirova Gunel, Riccio Vincenzo, and Zampetti Fiorella. 2022. SBST Tool Competition 2022. In 15th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing, SBST 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, May 9, 2022.
5. Boolector: An Efficient SMT Solver for Bit-Vectors and Arrays