1. BAI~ZHAF JOHN III. "Copyright protection for computer programs " m ASCAP Copyright Law Symposium Vol. 14 Columbia University Press. (1966) 118-179. This is a pioneermg comprehensive discussion. BAI~ZHAF JOHN III. "Copyright protection for computer programs " m ASCAP Copyright Law Symposium Vol. 14 Columbia University Press. (1966) 118-179. This is a pioneermg comprehensive discussion.
2. BANZHAF JOHN III. "Copyright protection for computer programs " in The Law o} So}tware 1968 Proc. Computers in Law Institute George Washington Univ. Washington D. C. A shorter and more recent discussmn by the same author. BANZHAF JOHN III. "Copyright protection for computer programs " in The Law o} So}tware 1968 Proc. Computers in Law Institute George Washington Univ. Washington D. C. A shorter and more recent discussmn by the same author.
3. GOLDBERG MORTON DAVID. "Copyright for computer programs--yes but " m The Law o} So#ware 1969 Proc. Computers in Law Instltute George Washington Univ. Washington D. C. A penetrating assessment. GOLDBERG MORTON DAVID. "Copyright for computer programs--yes but " m The Law o} So#ware 1969 Proc. Computers in Law Instltute George Washington Univ. Washington D. C. A penetrating assessment.
4. ISKRANT JOHN "The impact of multiple forms of computer programs on their adequate protection by copyright " m ASCAP Copyright Law Symposium Vol. 18 (1970) 92-134. Discusses tapes and machine-readable forms. ISKRANT JOHN "The impact of multiple forms of computer programs on their adequate protection by copyright " m ASCAP Copyright Law Symposium Vol. 18 (1970) 92-134. Discusses tapes and machine-readable forms.
5. Title 17 US Code Copyright reprinted in pamphlet form as Bulletin No. 14 "The Copyright Law of the United States of America " available for 45 cents from the Government Printing Office Washington D. C. 20402. Title 17 US Code Copyright reprinted in pamphlet form as Bulletin No. 14 "The Copyright Law of the United States of America " available for 45 cents from the Government Printing Office Washington D. C. 20402.