Model-Checking on Ordered Structures


Eickmeyer Kord1,Heuvel Jan van den2,Kawarabayashi Ken-Ichi3,Kreutzer Stephan4,Mendez Patrice Ossona De5,Pilipczuk Michał6,Quiroz Daniel A.7,Rabinovich Roman4,Siebertz Sebastian8


1. Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

2. London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London, United Kingdom

3. National Institute of Informatics, Hitotsubashi, Tokyo, Japan

4. Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

5. Centre d’Analyse et de Mathématiques Sociales (CNRS, UMR 8557), France and Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

6. University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

7. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

8. Universität Bremen, Berlin, Germany


We study the model-checking problem for first- and monadic second-order logic on finite relational structures. The problem of verifying whether a formula of these logics is true on a given structure is considered intractable in general, but it does become tractable on interesting classes of structures, such as on classes whose Gaifman graphs have bounded treewidth. In this article, we continue this line of research and study model-checking for first- and monadic second-order logic in the presence of an ordering on the input structure. We do so in two settings: the general ordered case, where the input structures are equipped with a fixed order or successor relation, and the order-invariant case, where the formulas may resort to an ordering, but their truth must be independent of the particular choice of order. In the first setting we show very strong intractability results for most interesting classes of structures. In contrast, in the order-invariant case we obtain tractability results for order-invariant monadic second-order formulas on the same classes of graphs as in the unordered case. For first-order logic, we obtain tractability of successor-invariant formulas on classes whose Gaifman graphs have bounded expansion. Furthermore, we show that model-checking for order-invariant first-order formulas is tractable on coloured posets of bounded width.



CONICYT, PIA/Concurso Apoyo a Centros Científicos y Tecnológicos de Excelencia con Financiamiento Basal


European Research Council

Narodowe Centrum Nauki


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computational Mathematics,Logic,General Computer Science,Theoretical Computer Science







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