1. To React or not to React: End-to-End Visual Pose Forecasting for Personalized Avatar during Dyadic Conversations
2. Style‐Controllable Speech‐Driven Gesture Synthesis Using Normalising Flows
3. Carlos Busso , Zhigang Deng , Michael Grimm , Ulrich Neumann , and Shrikanth Narayanan . 2007. Rigid head motion in expressive speech animation: Analysis and synthesis . IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 15, 3( 2007 ), 1075–1086. Carlos Busso, Zhigang Deng, Michael Grimm, Ulrich Neumann, and Shrikanth Narayanan. 2007. Rigid head motion in expressive speech animation: Analysis and synthesis. IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 15, 3(2007), 1075–1086.
4. Animated conversation