1. Tanzania Ports Authority Handbook Hand book 2019. http://www.ports.go.tz/index.php/en/pub-lica-tions/handbook/283-Tanzania-ports-authority-TPA-port-handbook Tanzania Ports Authority Handbook Hand book 2019. http://www.ports.go.tz/index.php/en/pub-lica-tions/handbook/283-Tanzania-ports-authority-TPA-port-handbook
2. World Bank. 2017 2018 2020. Tanzania's growth estimates. World Bank. 2017 2018 2020. Tanzania's growth estimates.
3. Tanzania Harbors Regulations 1990/Act 1997. Tanzania Harbors Regulations 1990/Act 1997.
4. UNCTAD. 2015. The intrinsic relation between logistics performance and trade facilitation measures. Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter. First quarter. Issue No. 65. Available at http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/webdtltlb2015d1_en.pdf UNCTAD. 2015. The intrinsic relation between logistics performance and trade facilitation measures. Transport and Trade Facilitation Newsletter. First quarter. Issue No. 65. Available at http://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/webdtltlb2015d1_en.pdf