1. Cogmation Robotics. Everything you need to know about 12Blocks 2012. URL http://virtualrobotgames.com/pages/12blocks. Cogmation Robotics. Everything you need to know about 12Blocks 2012. URL http://virtualrobotgames.com/pages/12blocks.
2. iRobot. Roomba 800 Users Manual. URL http://www.irobot.com/~/media/Files/Support/Home/Roomba/800/iRobot-Roomba-800-Manual.pdf. iRobot. Roomba 800 Users Manual. URL http://www.irobot.com/~/media/Files/Support/Home/Roomba/800/iRobot-Roomba-800-Manual.pdf.
3. J. F. Kelly. LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide. Apress Media LLC New York 2nd edition 2010. J. F. Kelly. LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT-G Programming Guide. Apress Media LLC New York 2nd edition 2010.