1. TraceContract: A Scala DSL for Trace Analysis
2. Howard Barringer, David Rydeheard, and Klaus Havelund. 2007. Rule Systems for Run-Time Monitoring: From Eagle to RuleR. In Runtime Verification, Oleg Sokolsky and Serdar Taşıran (Eds.). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg. 111–125.
3. Monitoring of temporal first-order properties with aggregations
4. Christian Colombo, Andrew Gauci, and Gordon J. Pace. 2010. LarvaStat: Monitoring of Statistical Properties. In Runtime Verification - First International Conference, RV 2010, St. Julians, Malta, November 1-4, 2010. Proceedings, Howard Barringer, Yliès Falcone, Bernd Finkbeiner, Klaus Havelund, Insup Lee, Gordon J. Pace, Grigore Rosu, Oleg Sokolsky, and Nikolai Tillmann (Eds.) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6418). Springer, 480–484.
5. A Python Library for Trace Analysis