1. AHO A. V.~ SETm R. AND ULLMAN J. D. Compzlers: Pr~nc~ples Techmques alzd Tools. Addison Wesley Reading Mass. 1986~ AHO A. V.~ SETm R. AND ULLMAN J. D. Compzlers: Pr~nc~ples Techmques alzd Tools. Addison Wesley Reading Mass. 1986~
2. An overview of the PTRAN analysis system for multiprocessing
3. The Experimental Compiling System
4. ALLEN F. E. AND COCKE J. A catalogue of optimizing transformations In Desig and Opt~mizat~on of Compilers J. Rustin Ed. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N.J 1972 ALLEN F. E. AND COCKE J. A catalogue of optimizing transformations In Desig and Opt~mizat~on of Compilers J. Rustin Ed. Prentice-Hall Englewood Cliffs N.J 1972