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2. REIS ; Ricardo; G OMES , Rogério Figurelli; LUBASZEWSKI , Marcelo. An Efficient Design Methodology for Standard Cell Circuits. In: IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS, Espoo, Jun. 7--9, 1988 . Proceedings. New York: IEEE , 1988 . V.2 p. 1213 -- 1216 . DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.1988.15145 10.1109/ISCAS.1988.15145 REIS; Ricardo; GOMES, Rogério Figurelli; LUBASZEWSKI, Marcelo. An Efficient Design Methodology for Standard Cell Circuits. In: IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS, Espoo, Jun. 7--9, 1988. Proceedings. New York: IEEE, 1988. V.2 p. 1213--16. DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS.1988.15145
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4. A Full Over-the-Cell routing model
5. Transistor Count Reduction by Gate Merging