1. Technology Adoption Dynamics of the Press Workers in Bangladesh
2. Design + Ethnography + Futures
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4. Investigating and promoting UX practice in industry: An experimental study
5. Asm Ashraf , Sayed Azad , M MoninoorRoshid , and Fhamida Yasmin . 2019. ILO report on decent work deficits in domestic work in Bangladesh. https://www.ilo.org/dhaka/Whatwedo/Publications/WCMS_674540/lang--en/index.htm . International Labour Organization ( 02 2019 ), 188. Asm Ashraf, Sayed Azad, M MoninoorRoshid, and Fhamida Yasmin. 2019. ILO report on decent work deficits in domestic work in Bangladesh. https://www.ilo.org/dhaka/Whatwedo/Publications/WCMS_674540/lang--en/index.htm. International Labour Organization (02 2019), 188.