OCOsense Glasses – Monitoring Facial Gestures and Expressions for Augmented Human-Computer Interaction


Gjoreski Hristijan1ORCID,Mavridou Ifigeneia2ORCID,Archer James Archer William3ORCID,Cleal Andrew3ORCID,Stankoski Simon3ORCID,Kiprijanovska Ivana3ORCID,Fatoorechi Mohsen3ORCID,Walas Piotr3ORCID,Broulidakis John3ORCID,Gjoreski Martin4ORCID,Nduka Charles3ORCID


1. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of and Emteq Ltd., United Kingdom

2. Research & Development, Emteq Ltd., United Kingdom

3. Emteq Ltd., United Kingdom

4. Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland


Innovate UK


EU Horizon 2020 - Widening



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