1. Jem Bartholomew . 2022. Rising popularity of VR headsets sparks 31% rise in insurance claims. The Guardian (Feb . 2022 ). https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/feb/12/rising-popularity-of-vr-headsets-sparks-31-rise-in-insurance-claims Jem Bartholomew. 2022. Rising popularity of VR headsets sparks 31% rise in insurance claims. The Guardian (Feb. 2022). https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/feb/12/rising-popularity-of-vr-headsets-sparks-31-rise-in-insurance-claims
2. Bad Breakdowns, Useful Seams, and Face Slapping: Analysis of VR Fails on YouTube
3. Death by Pokémon GO: The Economic and Human Cost of Using Apps While Driving
4. SaVR: Increasing Safety in Virtual Reality Environments via Electrical Muscle Stimulation
5. Megan Joy Jones-Dellaportas , James Alexander Keitley , Richard Donald Bullough , and Blair Graham . 2022. Major traumatic injury sustained during use of a virtual reality (VR) headset. Trauma ( 2022 ), 14604086221100139. Megan Joy Jones-Dellaportas, James Alexander Keitley, Richard Donald Bullough, and Blair Graham. 2022. Major traumatic injury sustained during use of a virtual reality (VR) headset. Trauma (2022), 14604086221100139.