1. The economics in interactive information retrieval
2. Modelling interaction with economic models of search
3. Building simulated queries for known-item topics
4. Krisztian Balog , David Maxwell , Paul Thomas , and Shuo Zhang . 2022 . Report on the 1st simulation for information retrieval workshop (Sim4IR 2021) at SIGIR 2021 . In ACM SIGIR Forum , Vol. 55 . ACM New York, NY, USA, 1--16. Krisztian Balog, David Maxwell, Paul Thomas, and Shuo Zhang. 2022. Report on the 1st simulation for information retrieval workshop (Sim4IR 2021) at SIGIR 2021. In ACM SIGIR Forum, Vol. 55. ACM New York, NY, USA, 1--16.
5. F. Baskaya , H. Keskustalo , and K. Jarvelin . 2011. Simulating simple and fallible relevance feedback . In Proceedings of ECIR. F. Baskaya, H. Keskustalo, and K. Jarvelin. 2011. Simulating simple and fallible relevance feedback. In Proceedings of ECIR.