Object detection and sensory feedback techniques in building smart cane for the visually impaired


Asad Summer1,Mooney Brittany1,Ahmad Ishfaq1,Huber Manfred1,Clark Addison1


1. University of Texas at Arlington


National Science Foundation



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1. Orientation and Mobility Skills for Children with Visual Impairment;Turkish Journal of Special Education Research and Practice;2023-12-19

2. Lightweight head pose estimation without keypoints based on multi-scale lightweight neural network;The Visual Computer;2023-02-02

3. An Exploratory Study on the Low Adoption Rate of Smart Canes;Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity;2022

4. VIDVIP: Dataset for Object Detection During Sidewalk Travel;Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics;2021-10-20

5. ”Would the smart cane benefit me?”: Perceptions of the Visually Impaired towards Smart Canes;The 23rd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility;2021-10-17








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