1. Creativity and Innovation Under Constraints: A Cross-Disciplinary Integrative Review
2. Markus Baer and Greg R Oldham . 2006. The curvilinear relation between experienced creative time pressure and creativity: moderating effects of openness to experience and support for creativity.Journal of Applied psychology 91, 4 ( 2006 ), 963. Markus Baer and Greg R Oldham. 2006. The curvilinear relation between experienced creative time pressure and creativity: moderating effects of openness to experience and support for creativity.Journal of Applied psychology 91, 4 (2006), 963.
3. Kenneth E Bell and John E Limber . 2009. Reading skill, textbook marking, and course performance. Literacy research and instruction 49, 1 ( 2009 ), 56–67. Kenneth E Bell and John E Limber. 2009. Reading skill, textbook marking, and course performance. Literacy research and instruction 49, 1 (2009), 56–67.
4. Painting with Bob
5. Designing collaborative musical experiences for broad audiences