1. MojiBoard
2. VibEmoji: Exploring User-authoring Multi-modal Emoticons in Social Communication
3. Gaku Kutsuzawa , Hiroyuki Umemura , Koichiro Eto , and Yoshiyuki Kobayash . 2022. Classification of 74 Facial Emoji’s Emotional States on the Valence‐Arousal Exes. Scientific Reports 12, 1 , Article 398 ( 2022 ), 10 pages. Gaku Kutsuzawa, Hiroyuki Umemura, Koichiro Eto, and Yoshiyuki Kobayash. 2022. Classification of 74 Facial Emoji’s Emotional States on the Valence‐Arousal Exes. Scientific Reports 12, 1, Article 398 (2022), 10 pages.
4. Photo-realistic emoticon generation using multi-modal input
5. EmojiZoom