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2. Dave Collins. Jul 5 2018. Police departments sued over predictive policing programs. Associated Press. https://www.policeone.com/legal/articles/477270006-Police-departments-sued-over-predictive-policing-programs/ Dave Collins. Jul 5 2018. Police departments sued over predictive policing programs. Associated Press. https://www.policeone.com/legal/articles/477270006-Police-departments-sued-over-predictive-policing-programs/
3. Mack DeGeurin. June 12 2018. Stop-and-Frisk and Broken Windows Haven't Gone Away --- They've Moved Online. Nymag online. Available: http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/06/how-predpol-and-nypd-create-digital-stop-and-frisk.html Mack DeGeurin. June 12 2018. Stop-and-Frisk and Broken Windows Haven't Gone Away --- They've Moved Online. Nymag online. Available: http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/06/how-predpol-and-nypd-create-digital-stop-and-frisk.html
4. Transparency Advocates Win Release of NYPD "Predictive Policing;Winston Ali;Documents. The Intercept,2018