1. The knob & switch computer
2. Distributed expertise for teaching computer organization & architecture
3. Eck D. J. 1995. The Most Complex Machine: A Survey of Computers and Computing. A K Peters Wellesley MA. The xComputer applet can be launched from: http://math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/labs/xComputerLab1.html. Eck D. J. 1995. The Most Complex Machine: A Survey of Computers and Computing. A K Peters Wellesley MA. The xComputer applet can be launched from: http://math.hws.edu/TMCM/java/labs/xComputerLab1.html.
4. Ellard D. Ellard P. Megquier J. Chen J. B. and Seltzer M. 1999. The Ant architecture: An architecture for CS1. The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture Newsl. 25--27. http://www.ant.harvard.edu/Papers/ellard-tcca99.pdf. 10.1145/1275176.1275179 Ellard D. Ellard P. Megquier J. Chen J. B. and Seltzer M. 1999. The Ant architecture: An architecture for CS1. The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture Newsl. 25--27. http://www.ant.harvard.edu/Papers/ellard-tcca99.pdf. 10.1145/1275176.1275179