Question Quality in Community Question Answering Forums


Baltadzhieva Antoaneta1,Chrupała Grzegorz1


1. Tilburg University, The Netherlands


Community Question Answering websites (CQA) offer a new opportunity for users to provide, search and share knowledge. Although the idea of receiving a direct, targeted response to a question sounds very attractive, the quality of the question itself can have an important effect on the likelihood of getting useful answers. High quality questions improve the CQA experience and therefore it is essential for CQA forums to better understand what characterizes questions that are more appealing for the forum community. In this survey, we review existing research on question quality in CQA websites. We discuss the possible measures of question quality and the question features that have been shown to influence question quality.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Reference27 articles.

1. Knowledge sharing and yahoo answers

2. Finding high-quality content in social media

3. Anderson C. (2006). The long tail: Why the future of Business is selling less of more. Hyperion Anderson C. (2006). The long tail: Why the future of Business is selling less of more. Hyperion

4. Discovering value from community activity on focused question answering sites

Cited by 32 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. A Study on Influential Features for Predicting Best Answers in Community Question-Answering Forums;Information;2023-09-07

2. Analysis of Non-Experts' Security- and Privacy-Related Questions on a Q&A Site;IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems;2023-09-01

3. Refining fine-tuned transformers with hand-crafted features for gender screening on question-answering communities;Information Fusion;2023-04

4. Gender screening on question-answering communities;Expert Systems with Applications;2023-04

5. How to formulate specific how-to questions in software development?;Proceedings of the 30th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering;2022-11-07







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