How Important are Good Method Names in Neural Code Generation? A Model Robustness Perspective


Yang Guang1,Zhou Yu1,Yang Wenhua1,Yue Tao2,Chen Xiang3,Chen Taolue4


1. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

2. Beihang University, China

3. Nantong University, China

4. Birkbeck, University of London, UK


Pre-trained code generation models (PCGMs) have been widely applied in neural code generation which can generate executable code from functional descriptions in natural languages, possibly together with signatures. Despite substantial performance improvement of PCGMs, the role of method names in neural code generation has not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we study and demonstrate the potential of benefiting from method names to enhance the performance of PCGMs, from a model robustness perspective. Specifically, we propose a novel approach, namedRADAR(neuRAl coDe generAtorRobustifier).RADARconsists of two components:RADAR-Attack andRADAR-Defense. The former attacks a PCGM by generating adversarial method names as part of the input, which are semantic and visual similar to the original input, but may trick the PCGM to generate completely unrelated code snippets. As a countermeasure to such attacks,RADAR-Defense synthesizes a new method name from the functional description and supplies it to the PCGM. Evaluation results show thatRADAR-Attack can reduce the CodeBLEU of generated code by 19.72% to 38.74% in three state-of-the-art PCGMs (i.e., CodeGPT, PLBART, and CodeT5) in the fine-tuning code generation task, and reduce the Pass@1 of generated code by 32.28% to 44.42% in three state-of-the-art PCGMs (i.e., Replit, CodeGen, and CodeT5+) in the zero-shot code generation task. Moreover,RADAR-Defense is able to reinstate the performance of PCGMs with synthesized method names. These results highlight the importance of good method names in neural code generation and implicate the benefits of studying model robustness in software engineering.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)



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