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2. Xiangyao Yu , George Bezerra , Andrew Pavlo , Srinivas Devadas and Michael Stonebraker . 2015 . Staring into the Abyss: An Evaluation of Concurrency Control with One Thousand Cores . The International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2015). VLDB Endowment, 209--220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/2735508.2735511. 10.14778/2735508.2735511 Xiangyao Yu, George Bezerra, Andrew Pavlo, Srinivas Devadas and Michael Stonebraker. 2015. Staring into the Abyss: An Evaluation of Concurrency Control with One Thousand Cores. The International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB 2015). VLDB Endowment, 209--220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/2735508.2735511.
3. Everything you always wanted to know about synchronization but were afraid to ask
4. Decentralization of Two Phase Locking based Protocols