1. IEC 62591:2010 - Industrial communication networks - Wireless communication network and communication profiles - WirelessHART#8482; 2010. IEC 62591:2010 - Industrial communication networks - Wireless communication network and communication profiles - WirelessHART#8482; 2010.
2. IEEE 802.15.4e#8482;-2012 -IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs) Amendment 1: MAC sublayer 2012. IEEE 802.15.4e#8482;-2012 -IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs) Amendment 1: MAC sublayer 2012.
3. IEEE 802.15.4#8482;-2015 - IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) 2016. IEEE 802.15.4#8482;-2015 - IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) 2016.
4. Toward rigorous design of domain-specific distributed systems