1. Robust Vision-Based Cheat Detection in Competitive Gaming" by Xiao T. Ghosh P. Kirishima T. and Tsuchida K. (2023).
2. Cheat Detection using Machine Learning within Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" by Rogers, J., Aygün, R. S., and Etzkorn, L. (2022).
3. Cheat Detection Through Temporal Inference of Constrained Orders for Subsequences" by Boldi A. Rapp A. and Schöll M. (2023).
4. Machine Learning for Cheat Detection in Multiplayer Online Games" by Aygün R. S. Rogers J. and Etzkorn L. (2022).
5. Novel Machine Learning Approach for Cheat Detection in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" by Al-Jubouri, A., and Al-Saffar, A. (2022).