1. The Emerging Genre of Data Comics
2. Sunni Brown. 2015. The doodle revolution: Unlock the power to think differently. Portfolio. Sunni Brown. 2015. The doodle revolution: Unlock the power to think differently. Portfolio.
3. Makayla Lewis and Lizzie Coles-Kemp. 2014. Are You Feeling It? The Use Of Comic Strips To Encourage Empathy in Design. Extended Abstract for Workshop on Enabling Empathy in Health and Care: Design Methods and Challenges at CHI’14 Human Factors in Computing Systems Toronto Canada. (2014). Makayla Lewis and Lizzie Coles-Kemp. 2014. Are You Feeling It? The Use Of Comic Strips To Encourage Empathy in Design. Extended Abstract for Workshop on Enabling Empathy in Health and Care: Design Methods and Challenges at CHI’14 Human Factors in Computing Systems Toronto Canada. (2014).
4. Makayla Lewis and Lizzie Coles-Kemp. 2014. I’ve Got Something To Say: The Use Of Animation To Create A Meta-Story About Professional Identity. Extended Abstract for Workshop StoryStorm: A Collaborative Exchange of Methods for Storytelling at DIS’14 Designing Interactive Systems Vancouver Canada. (2014). Makayla Lewis and Lizzie Coles-Kemp. 2014. I’ve Got Something To Say: The Use Of Animation To Create A Meta-Story About Professional Identity. Extended Abstract for Workshop StoryStorm: A Collaborative Exchange of Methods for Storytelling at DIS’14 Designing Interactive Systems Vancouver Canada. (2014).