1. Adaptively sampled particle fluids
2. Compressed Neighbour Lists for SPH
3. Jan Bender et al. 2022. SPlisHSPlasH Library. https://github.com/InteractiveComputerGraphics/SPlisHSPlasH. Jan Bender et al. 2022. SPlisHSPlasH Library. https://github.com/InteractiveComputerGraphics/SPlisHSPlasH.
4. Divergence-Free SPH for Incompressible and Viscous Fluids
5. Jan Bender , Dan Koschier , Tassilo Kugelstadt , and Marcel Weiler . 2018. Turbulent micropolar SPH fluids with foam . IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25, 6 ( 2018 ), 2284--2295. Jan Bender, Dan Koschier, Tassilo Kugelstadt, and Marcel Weiler. 2018. Turbulent micropolar SPH fluids with foam. IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 25, 6 (2018), 2284--2295.