1. Compute Caches
2. Efficient hardware implementations of high throughput SHA-3 candidates keccak, luffa and blue midnight wish for single- and multi-message hashing
3. Gorjan Alagic , Jacob Alperin-Sheriff , Daniel Apon , David Cooper , Quynh Dang , John Kelsey , Yi-Kai Liu , Carl Miller , Dustin Moody , and Rene Peralta . 2020. Status report on the second round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. US Department of Commerce , NIST ( 2020 ). Gorjan Alagic, Jacob Alperin-Sheriff, Daniel Apon, David Cooper, Quynh Dang, John Kelsey, Yi-Kai Liu, Carl Miller, Dustin Moody, and Rene Peralta. 2020. Status report on the second round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. US Department of Commerce, NIST (2020).
4. Roberto Avanzi , Joppe Bos , Léo Ducas , Eike Kiltz , Tancrède Lepoint , Vadim Lyubashevsky , John M. Schanck , Peter Schwabe , Gregor Seiler , and Damien Stehlé . 2019. CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithm specifications and supporting documentation. NIST PQC Round ( 2019 ). Roberto Avanzi, Joppe Bos, Léo Ducas, Eike Kiltz, Tancrède Lepoint, Vadim Lyubashevsky, John M. Schanck, Peter Schwabe, Gregor Seiler, and Damien Stehlé. 2019. CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithm specifications and supporting documentation. NIST PQC Round (2019).
5. SHA-3 implementation using ReRAM based in-memory computing architecture