StubCoder : Automated Generation and Repair of Stub Code for Mock Objects


Zhu Hengcheng1ORCID,Wei Lili2ORCID,Terragni Valerio3ORCID,Liu Yepang4ORCID,Cheung Shing-Chi1ORCID,Wu Jiarong1ORCID,Sheng Qin5ORCID,Zhang Bing5ORCID,Song Lihong5ORCID


1. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

2. McGill University, Canada

3. The University of Auckland, New Zealand

4. Southern University of Science and Technology, China

5. WeBank Co. Ltd., China


Mocking is an essential unit testing technique for isolating the class under test from its dependencies. Developers often leverage mocking frameworks to develop stub code that specifies the behaviors of mock objects. However, developing and maintaining stub code is labor-intensive and error-prone. In this article, we present StubCoder to automatically generate and repair stub code for regression testing. StubCoder implements a novel evolutionary algorithm that synthesizes test-passing stub code guided by the runtime behavior of test cases. We evaluated our proposed approach on 59 test cases from 13 open source projects. Our evaluation results show that StubCoder can effectively generate stub code for incomplete test cases without stub code and repair obsolete test cases with broken stub code.


National Science Foundation of China

Hong Kong Research Grant Council/General Research Fund

Hong Kong Research Grant Council/Research Impact Fund

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant

WeBank-HKUST Joint Laboratory


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)



Reference59 articles.

1. Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings Practical Software Testing: Tool Automation and Human Factors. 10111 Nadia Alshahwan Yue Jia Kiran Lakhotia Gordon Fraser David Shuler Paolo Tonella AUTOMOCK: Automated synthesis of a mock environment for test case generation 2010

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5. Private API Access and Functional Mocking in Automated Unit Test Generation







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