1. 2015. The Closure Linter enforces the guidelines set by Google. https://code. google.com/p/closure-linter/. 2015. The Closure Linter enforces the guidelines set by Google. https://code. google.com/p/closure-linter/.
2. 2018. JSLint. http://www.jslint.com/. 2018. JSLint. http://www.jslint.com/.
3. 2019. ESLint. http://eslint.org/. 2019. ESLint. http://eslint.org/.
4. 2020. Cookie Control by Civic-GDPR Cookie Compliance Solution. https: //www.civicuk.com/cookie-control. 2020. Cookie Control by Civic-GDPR Cookie Compliance Solution. https: //www.civicuk.com/cookie-control.
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