1. Multiprocessor Pyramid Architectures for Bottom-Up Image Analysis
2. BRACHMAN R. AND LEVESQUE H.J. EDS. 1985. Readings in Knowledge Representation. Morgan- Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco Calif. BRACHMAN R. AND LEVESQUE H.J. EDS. 1985. Readings in Knowledge Representation. Morgan- Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco Calif.
3. CASE J. CHITOOR S. RAJAN D. AND SHENDE A. 1995. Multi-particle motion in lattice computers. (Revision in preparation.) CASE J. CHITOOR S. RAJAN D. AND SHENDE A. 1995. Multi-particle motion in lattice computers. (Revision in preparation.)
4. Spatial/kinematic domain and lattice computers
5. CASE J. RAJAN D. AND SHENDE A. 2000. Spherical wave front generation in lattice computers. J. Comput. Inf. 1 (1) (Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computing and Information Peterborough Ontario Canada (http://www.cs.tufts.edu/icci/94). CASE J. RAJAN D. AND SHENDE A. 2000. Spherical wave front generation in lattice computers. J. Comput. Inf. 1 (1) (Special Issue: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computing and Information Peterborough Ontario Canada (http://www.cs.tufts.edu/icci/94).