1. Jean Aitchison. 2012. Words in the mind?: an introduction to the mental lexicon. Wiley-Blackwell. Jean Aitchison. 2012. Words in the mind?: an introduction to the mental lexicon. Wiley-Blackwell.
2. David Beukelman and Pat Mirenda. 2005. Augmentative and alternative communication: Supporting children and adults with complex communication needs. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. David Beukelman and Pat Mirenda. 2005. Augmentative and alternative communication: Supporting children and adults with complex communication needs. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
3. A spreading-activation theory of semantic processing.
4. Simon De Deyne Danielle J Navarro Amy Perfors Marc Brysbaert and Gert Storms. 2018. Measuring the associative structure of English: The "Small World of Words" norms for word association. Retrieved from http://compcogscisydney.org/publications/DeDeyneNPBS_swow.pdf . Manuscript submitted for publication. Simon De Deyne Danielle J Navarro Amy Perfors Marc Brysbaert and Gert Storms. 2018. Measuring the associative structure of English: The "Small World of Words" norms for word association. Retrieved from http://compcogscisydney.org/publications/DeDeyneNPBS_swow.pdf . Manuscript submitted for publication.