1. Boost C++ graph library. http://www.boost.org. Boost C++ graph library. http://www.boost.org.
2. CUDA Zone: Toolkit & SDK. http://developer.nvidia.com/what-cuda. CUDA Zone: Toolkit & SDK. http://developer.nvidia.com/what-cuda.
3. CUDPP. http://cudpp.googlecode.com. CUDPP. http://cudpp.googlecode.com.
4. The Ninth DIMACS challenge on shortest paths. http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~challenge9/. The Ninth DIMACS challenge on shortest paths. http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~challenge9/.
5. GTgraph - A suite of synthetic random graph generators. https://sdm.lbl.gov/~kamesh/software/GTgraph/. GTgraph - A suite of synthetic random graph generators. https://sdm.lbl.gov/~kamesh/software/GTgraph/.