1. Praxis of Reproducible Computational Science
2. Using Jupyter for Reproducible Scientific Workflows
3. The Science of Scientific Software Development and Use
4. Coral Calero Maria Ángeles Moraga Manuel F Bertoa and Leticia Duboc. 2014. Quality in Use and Software Greenability.. In RE4SuSy@ RE. Citeseer 28–36. Coral Calero Maria Ángeles Moraga Manuel F Bertoa and Leticia Duboc. 2014. Quality in Use and Software Greenability.. In RE4SuSy@ RE. Citeseer 28–36.
5. Martin Host , Austen Rainer , Per Runeson , and Bjorn Regnell . 2012. Case study research in software engineering: Guidelines and examples . John Wiley & Sons . Martin Host, Austen Rainer, Per Runeson, and Bjorn Regnell. 2012. Case study research in software engineering: Guidelines and examples. John Wiley & Sons.