1. Recommender systems in model-driven engineering
2. A generic framework for model-set selection for the unification of testing and learning MDE tasks
3. Loli Burgueño , Robert Clarisó , Sébastien Gérard , Shuai Li , and Jordi Cabot . 2021. An NLP-Based Architecture for the Autocompletion of Partial Domain Models . In Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Marcello La Rosa, Shazia Sadiq, and Ernest Teniente (Eds.). Springer International Publishing , Cham , 91--106. Loli Burgueño, Robert Clarisó, Sébastien Gérard, Shuai Li, and Jordi Cabot. 2021. An NLP-Based Architecture for the Autocompletion of Partial Domain Models. In Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Marcello La Rosa, Shazia Sadiq, and Ernest Teniente (Eds.). Springer International Publishing, Cham, 91--106.
4. Jordi Cabot , Robert Clarisó , Marco Brambilla , and Sébastien Gérard . 2017 . Cognifying model-driven software engineering . In Federation of International Conferences on Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations. Springer, 154--160 . Jordi Cabot, Robert Clarisó, Marco Brambilla, and Sébastien Gérard. 2017. Cognifying model-driven software engineering. In Federation of International Conferences on Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations. Springer, 154--160.
5. On the Properties of Neural Machine Translation: Encoder–Decoder Approaches