1. Utkarsh Ayachit . 2015. The paraview guide: a parallel visualization application. Kitware , Inc . Utkarsh Ayachit. 2015. The paraview guide: a parallel visualization application. Kitware, Inc.
2. ParaView Catalyst
3. Catalyst Revised: Rethinking the ParaView in Situ Analysis and Visualization API
4. Utkarsh Ayachit , Brad Whitlock , Matthew Wolf , Burlen Loring , Berk Geveci , David Lonie , and E Wes Bethel . 2016. The SENSEI generic in situ interface. In 2016 second workshop on in situ infrastructures for enabling extreme-scale Analysis and visualization (ISAV) . IEEE , 40–44. Utkarsh Ayachit, Brad Whitlock, Matthew Wolf, Burlen Loring, Berk Geveci, David Lonie, and E Wes Bethel. 2016. The SENSEI generic in situ interface. In 2016 second workshop on in situ infrastructures for enabling extreme-scale Analysis and visualization (ISAV). IEEE, 40–44.
5. Trigger Detection for Adaptive Scientific Workflows Using Percentile Sampling