1. Annex H: Field Trials Results on Mobility;GPP.;Technical Report TR,2017
2. 5GAA. 2021. C-V2X Use Cases and Service Level Requirements Volume II. Technical Report T-200xxx. 5GAA. [Online]. Available at:https://5gaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/5GAA_T-200116_TR_C-V2X_Use_Cases_and_Service_Level_Requirements_Vol_II_V2.1.pdf [Accessed on 24/10/2020.]. 5GAA. 2021. C-V2X Use Cases and Service Level Requirements Volume II. Technical Report T-200xxx. 5GAA. [Online]. Available at:https://5gaa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/5GAA_T-200116_TR_C-V2X_Use_Cases_and_Service_Level_Requirements_Vol_II_V2.1.pdf [Accessed on 24/10/2020.].
3. Real-Time Video Streaming with Application Layer ARQ in UAV Networks: Field Tests
4. From Single Lane to Highways: Analyzing the Adoption of Multipath TCP in the Internet
5. AWS. 2017. Keeping Time With Amazon Time Sync Service. [Online]. Available at:https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/keeping-time-with-amazon-time-sync-service/ [Accessed on 03/05/2022.]. AWS. 2017. Keeping Time With Amazon Time Sync Service. [Online]. Available at:https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/keeping-time-with-amazon-time-sync-service/ [Accessed on 03/05/2022.].