Building virtual cities


Ingram Rob1,Benford Steve1,Bowers John2


1. The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

2. The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK


ACM Press

Reference17 articles.

1. [Benedikt91] Benedikt, M. (1991). A cyberspace manifesto. In M. Benedikt (ed.) Cyberspace: The first steps. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

2. [Benford95b] Benford, S., Snowdon, D., Greenhalgh, C., Ingram, R., and Knox, I., (1995) VR-VIBE: A Virtual Environment for Co-operative Information Retrieval, Computer Graphics Forum, 14, 3, 1995, NCC Blackwell.

3. [Benford95] Steve Benford, John Bowers, Lennart Fahlén, Chris Greenhalgh, John Mariani and Tom Rodden, Networked Virtual Reality and Co-operative Work, Presence, MIT Press (in press).

4. [Bowers95] John Bowers (1995) The social logic of cyberspace or The interactional affordances of virtual brutalism. In A. Bullock and J. Mariani (eds.) COMIC project deliverable 4.3, available from Lancaster University, UK.

5. [Bowers96] Bowers, J., O'Brien, J. and Pycock, J. Talk and embodiment in collaborative virtual environments. To appear in the Proceedings of CHI'96. New York: ACM.

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4. Spatial rules that generate urban patterns: Emergence of the power law in the distribution of axial line length;International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation;2010-10

5. Automatic generation, texturing and population of a reflective real-time urban environment;Computers & Graphics;2007-08







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