Situating Search


Shah Chirag1,Bender Emily M.2


1. Information School, University of Washington, United States

2. Department of Linguistics, University of Washington, United States



Reference76 articles.

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1. The moderating effect of knowledge type on search result modality preferences in web search scenarios;Computers and Education Open;2023-12

2. Recent Advances in Generative Information Retrieval;Proceedings of the Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific Region;2023-11-26

3. Conversational AI and Vaccine Communication: Systematic Review of the Evidence;Journal of Medical Internet Research;2023-10-03

4. The elusive search engine: How search engine use is reflected in survey reports;Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology;2023-08-08

5. Sealed Knowledges;Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society;2023-08-08







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